Aug 11, 2022
How do we shift culture and guide the change?
In this season’s final episode entitled Embracing All That We Are, Nina Simons, award winning social entrepreneur, visionary thinker and co-founder of Bioneers speaks with Amisha, founder and host of ‘All That We Are’, this podcast & global community platform...
Jul 26, 2022
How can we expand our spirituality and activism to serve the challenges of our time?
For this very special episode entitled A Spirituality Of Wholeness, we are giving you a peek into our recent learning journey with a treasured guest faculty. ‘From Me To We’ is a gathering of conversations and somatic experiences...
Jul 14, 2022
How do we harness our life force to protect the Earth?
This episode is a special tribute to Polly Higgins ‘Earth Lawyer’, a visionary barrister, author and environmental lobbyist, who devoted all her time to one client - the Earth. Since 2010, she lobbied the UN Law Commission to recognise ecocide as an...
Jul 7, 2022
How do we cultivate the skill of belonging?
In this episode entitled The Power Of Our Dreams, Amisha talks with Toko-pa Turner, who founded the Dream School in 2001 blending the mystical tradition of Sufism in which she was raised with a Jungian approach to dreamwork. She is the author of the award-winning...
Jun 23, 2022
How can we anchor into our deeper intelligence?
In this special episode entitled Navigating The Challenges Of This Time, Amisha Ghadiali, the host of this globally acclaimed podcast that weaves together activism, the sacred, creativity and regeneration, shares an insightful and heartfelt flow of consciousness.